Friday, May 30, 2008

I'm Home....blah

So I've been home for 4 days. While it's nice to be's very boring. I don't have a navigator telling me what show is on or what time the deck party is or what theme night it will be in Rockin Bar D. I have finished the laundry and actually put it should be!
I know that I'll get back into my routine next week. There's only 2 weeks left of school and I'll be slammed during them so that will distract me from post vacation blues. I thought we went on vacation to get out of our work rut, if so then why am I looking forward to getting back into a work rut to get over vacation? The vicious circle of life I suppose.
I am sad to report that I have almost cleaned out one tivo, I will have to move over to the other one soon and clear that off. I don't want to do that though cause I only watch tv in that room when I am paying bills and I don't want to pay my bills...really I don't want to see my bills which is pretty much the same thing.

Well at least I have my favorite day coming up in 2 weeks, Engage the Spirit day...when I get to play with the big it! Also, my precious courtney graduates from High School. She's making me so old. I remember when she used to come over to my apt. and wake me up in the morning to play with my cat. She was so cute and is such a beautiful young lady. Heading off to college in the fall. So proud. And of course TOTO turns 14~! guys are aging me. Stop getting older it's turning me grey!

Ok, so sad..A lifetime movie looks good tonight..pardon me I need to barf.


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