Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter..where did march go?

Happy Easter! Today is easter sunday. My brother came down yesterday and we finished the retaining wall! So boring, but it's exciting cause we've been working on it (poorly) for 4 years! I helped too. I know, hard to believe but I did. In the middle of the retaining wall, we had to run down to tays piano recital. Here is a video of my piano prodigy...well in her moms eyes:

This was a busy month for us and I am glad it's over. We left off in february, so here's my late update. I went to the Athenian School auction at the end of feb. I was supposed to go with my girlfriend who works there, but she ended up getting up early that morning to drive some borders over to SFO, so her husband accompanied me instead. We kinda freaked out the people she works with, but we are used to doing that so it's cool. Her husband is my movie date usually so it's nothing new for us. We had a good time, bought some wine and enjoyed the event.

Two weeks later I went with my aunt to watch my cousins last National Cheer competition in Anaheim, CA. While the Varsity team didn't place, their JV Squad came in 6th. It was a fun weekend. The last time I was down in Anaheim with Courtney and her mom, courtney was 4 years old. We took her to disneyland for her 1st time. I feel like this was my last time to go with her. It was also fun to spend some time with just the auntie and me. No kids at Disney. We had fun, took our time and spent pretty much zero! No kids asking for hats, characters or clothes. Awesome!

Next weekend it was time for another Dismeet with our fairfield cruisers. Just the 2 of us this time. We took the kids to see Horton hears a Who. It was a cute movie. I recommend even for adults w/o kids. It had a good message, that everyones a person no matter how small. After the movie we rushed back home so I could get ready for Bentley School Auction. I had to go check out their software and help a friend who was working. Break out another cruise dress and run taylor to her friends for a sleepover and I'm off to SF. It was another fun event. I loved the software, and I saw some current and former parents from my school. They were very nice.

I signed taylor up for her first sleepaway camp. She's very excited to go. She'll be gone for two weeks in august and she gets to surf and horseback ride. Her 2 favorite things. Which is funny to me since she hardly does either one.

Now were up to date. It's easter weekend. Did the recital and soon my brother and I are off to Santa Cruz to see grandma.

Next weekend is a big suprise for taylor. We are kicking off our spring break with a bang. More on that later though...don't want to spoil the suprise.