Monday, December 22, 2008

I'm truly lame!

So I know I haven't updated in a while. We've had a pretty mild couple of months up until xmas. Taylor is still on progress for braces. It looks like it's gonna be a few more months before full metal mouth. She needs to lose 4 more teeth. She's doing great in 5th grade. Getting much better grades than last year, her teacher is very impressed. I think summer school did a world of good last year.

We had visitors in November. Auntie stacey and family came up for thanksgiving week. That was different as we are usually on our own, but she's having a baby soon so they couldn't come out in december. Instead we are headed there. We also celebrated my big 4-0 that month. A nice dinner with family at Chow. I didn't drink as much as I would have liked but it was a great night. Nice to see everyone.

School has let out for the holidays and it was bittersweet for me as my boss retired. He was a great boss, even though I complained about him relentlessly. I mean who else is gonna let you get in screaming matches with them and still respect you the next day. My new boss ron has some big shoes to fill!

We head out to Texas for a visit this month. I look forward to meeting my new nephew or niece. I will post pics here as soon as it's born. I had a plan for New years but thats shot now, so it's me, tay and great gma partying it up together. HAHAHA...lets see who can stay up the longest...i'm thinking taylor!

Have a wonderful holiday season everyone.