Sunday, January 16, 2011

New Years Resolutions and other BS!

Who makes resolutions anymore? They always seem to be defeated within the first week of the new year. My theory long as you are aware of what you should or need to do and try to succeed you should feel positive about your efforts. RIght?!?

Anyways my goal, as it is every year, is to get healthy in every aspect. From body, finance and home. Lofty goals for myself as usual. On the body side I still go to the gym regularly. I try to get there 5-6 days a week for 2 hours a time. I'm tied into classes not doing the treadmill or weights so it makes it a very regular schedule. Tay is supportive but on the nights I don't go she's happy to snuggle with me on the couch when she's done with her homework and get a little mommy time.

My home needs alot of work. While I finally moved into the master bedroom, just as I suspected all along, I didn't finish some tasks. I still have alot to do and maybe I'll get to it or not. I have no drive in that area. None at all.

My finance..well it's just pathetic and I have no drive to correct either. I am gainfully employed and very thankful for that! I love my job. Spending all my time with kids keeps me young in my mind.

We are a busy house as usual. My little sporty spice is getting ready for her first volleyball tournament. While I'm not one to toot her horn (boast for the kid) she's been practicing amazingly over the last few weeks. I hope it holds up when we get in our first tournament. We are also going into competitive soccer try outs. This year she is going to try out for 2 different clubs. We'll see how it goes. I hope she makes it because I'm her mom and she would be so happy but it's a HUGE commitment, lots of practices and games all over the bay area. I'm not so down with that. I'm so happy for her on her house team. Local practice, local games short season. Mommy happy!

Keep your fingers crossed for her.

On a much happier note..there are only 10 weeks until VACATION! I can't wait to sit my ass in a lounge chair on the mickey ship and read! I plan to come back brown and relaxed. Looking forward to my tequilla crawl in cabo too!

Happy january!