Sunday, October 28, 2007

Everybody loves a parade

Friday was the big halloween parade and carnival at taylors school. Holding strong to my tradition of dressing up every other year, it was time to don a costume. I decided to be drucilla, cinderellas ugly and mean stepsister, but alas, the ugly bridesmaid dress that hangs in my closet just wouldn't zip! Ironically, it was small in the chest..when did those get bigger??????
So off to the goodwill store..they should have some hideous prom/wedding dresses right? but NO...nothing to be found. Next stop walmart. No dresses for sale, but they had costumes. So I brokedown and bought a "queen" costume. It was 3 sizes to big, but that just made it comfortable. My ninja daughter was just excited to wear her costume to school. Here is tay and me at the carnival.
So it was a fun day for all. A nice half day of work for me.Friday night we went to the California High School Homecoming Football game. They did things a little different than when I was in HS. The floats did not parade across the field, but they had fireworks. It was a good game and Cal won. BUT it went very long..taylors cousin nick came home with us for a weekend sleepover. Saturday we tried out 2 of our local festivals, both free. One was down by the movie theater it was pretty small, but they had lots of those jumpy they had fun. Saturday night we went with our neighbors and their 2 grandchildren to the City halloween festival. The kids had fun, but the flyer for the city was much grander than they actual event. I will say that 6 years living here and thats the first city sponsored event I went to. I guess we'll check out more of these in the future. I hear they have a great italian festival in the spring.

Happy Halloween to all.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

It's time for tricks and treats

October has arrived and the buzz around our house is how many days until halloween? It's asked daily! Along with, when is my costume arriving? Well, thankfully the costume arrived yesterday and taylor has promptly tried it on and YEA it fits. She's some kind of ninja..who knew... and another friend of hers is going to be the same. They planned it this way. The nice part is just realizing that she's still young and was so very excited to put on the costume.

So here's a sneak peak.

Taylor continues to work through the requirements of 4th grade. I have joined her in becoming more organized too. Teach what you preach right...! It's hard to stay organized but I hope to have my house done by the end of the year. Then I can start my next new years resolution!

So I hope all you ghosts and goblins have a wonderful and safe halloween.