Tuesday, June 5, 2007

OMG! 8 days to go

Ok, now we are getting down to the wire. Trying to get all accomplished at work, packing, itineraries emailed to important people. I can't believe tomorrow marks a week until we leave. I had heard some of our dis friends have airline issues, but I have now double checked our Virgin Atlantic flight and all is well. I ordered our meals and checked our seats. They must have known taylor was flying them as we are all the way in the back. Last row, next to the bathrooms. Which will work out well for my daughter! I still have to type up our info and give to the grandparents and her father so they know where we will be just in case. I have completely cleaned my house. Probably the cleanest it's been in years! Now, to find a cat sitter. I have a couple of people on the line but no one set yet. I should get off my butt and nail someone down.

Today was a great day, My friends Susie and Robert had their first child, Lily. She's beautiful. I spent some time this afternoon visiting and holding her. I love that new a baby smell! My coworker (karen) and I made a disney quilt for Lily as her parents are bigger disney freaks than me! That kids been twice before she was born! Susie and Robert got engaged on a disney cruise in summer 2005, got married at disneyland in 2006 and if disney owned a hospital they would have had their daughter there too. (kaiser was the final destination). Funny enough their cruise director, who helped robert set up the proposal, was Rachel who is the cruise director for our cruise this summer. I am bringing a picture of the family to see if she remembers!

Yesterday was a sad day. Our friend Miranda decided it was time to fly the coop and move to Washington state. While we are excited for her new adventure, we are also sad as she has been a part of our lives for 8 years! Taylor asked who was going to take her to school when I am sick...haha..my close by carpool. We wish Miranda the best of luck and she knows that her family and friends will welcome her back anytime!

I am still awaiting my pre/post cruise travel docs. They should be at my work tomorrow. Lets all hope. That will help me finish the final itinerary to send. I don't know the name of some of the hotels we are staying in overseas.

Auntie Bea and Uncle George have arrived from england and brought my pounds with them. YEA! While they are not my relatives, that how I refer to them.

3 days of school left for taylor. She's excited for the trip. Finally understand we're leaving on a jet plane.

8 days left, and I'M COUNTING!


Stacey Sproul said...

Yay! I'm excited for you! I hope Taylor braves the airline flight well!!!

scottishwee35 said...


I look forward to hear your trip story. If you doing any excursions, please write about it.

It is really appreicated.

Have a fabulous times.

Hope the weather will be lovely.

Scottishwee35 (Disney Cruise on 18th July 07)