Saturday, June 9, 2007

Does laundry ever stop?

How do 2 people have so much laundry!?! Well it's a beautiful day here in california and I will spend most of it inside getting all of my stuff ready. I have my daughter's clothes done, now on to me. I hope to have my suitcases packed by sunday. So if you see an odd dressed woman running around, it's me! I'll be wearing all the clothes I hate so I don't have to do laundry the night before we go.
I also have to sort all the vacation plans, type the itins., copy the passports..well you get the drift!
Some of our cruise friends have already left for europe, some doing ABD (adventures by disney) and some going to eurodisney. We'll go after the cruise! We're all counting down the days until we leave.
My cat has a babysitter..and we're very happy. It was a last minute change that had my eye twitching for a day or 2 but now maddie will be taken care of.
Just have to finish up some work and go to a goodbye party for miranda. So sad! When we get back from vacation, Miranda will be leaving to go to Japan with our exchange students. They'll have a good time, but we only have 2 weeks with her before she heads out to Washington state.
Allrighty, if I didn't state it before...4 days left!!!! Can't wait. Saw a report this morning on GMA about cruising and it's left me wanting more!

Have a great weekend. We'll be posting daily as long as my minutes hold up!


Stacey Sproul said...

I'd wondered if you guys had left yet. Wednesday, huh? It will be here before you know it!

Romancing The Mouse said...

thx for sharing your trip...u gave excellent details and pics!