Friday, June 13, 2008

Graduations Galore!

Just a quick post to say that graduation weekend is almost over! We had 1 cousin thursday, my school thursday and 1 cousin tonight. I will post pics and video on sunday when I have the time. I just wanted to say that they were all beautiful and LONG! The girls were gorgeous and so grown up! I can't believe how they are dragging me up in age with them! And a shout out to camden...who could ask for a better boyfriend in law! You're a shiblow and still cool. To my melon who's so grown up now, you are beautiful and I am excited to see what your future holds for you. You can do anything..but wouldn't it be great to work with me when your done with college! And my Toto...still growing up, but still my little cos! Be nicer to still have a 16th birthday waiting!..Where will we go?

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