Saturday, July 17, 2010

Guess What?!?

I think I miss my kid! Who knew.... Tay has been at camp for 2 weeks and I'm getting kinda lonely. She still has 1 more week at camp, then she's off to visit with her bff for a week. I'd say I'm having a great summer, but in reality she's the one having a ton of fun! I've just been working all the time.

I have decided that I need to find an available single friend. I'm not a single vacation kinda girl. While I can hang by myself many times, I still need someone to have dinner with. Most of my single friends have kid obligations or don't have the freedom with their work to go at the last minute. I'm ready for exotic. I've been looking at many islands in the caribbean and in the med. BUT paying for tay and me to go places gets expensive. I need another adult to split cost.

On the flip side, I have been going out more since tay is gone. Lot's of trivia, movies, happy hours. Fun adult fun. We've also been hanging out on our patios old school style on my street. It's nice to have a great group of neighbors that like to hang with a beer, swim, bbq etc.

Very chill summer with the exception of my hectic work schedule. Hope your summer is chill too!

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