Friday, May 23, 2008

A shout out...

So I just wanted to say Hi to everyone who's reading this lame trip report. I know my coworkers are checking it out and I miss you. I'm sure it's been quiet there with out my big old mouth! Do you miss me yet? Also to patricia and jenna...HI! This cruise would have been so better if the two of you were on it. We missed you here. The med was a blast with you and we should definately try to cruise again together! For my sister and her husband, you should try disney just once with us. Especially now that you have a kid. David would love it. If they have a longer cruise ( I don't want a 7 day) then we'll have to go. Summer of 2010??? And erika...yes it was so cool to meet Joey, I wish I had brought that xmas gift you gave me years ago (oh yea I still have it)!

To all my new cruise friends, you have all made this trip FANTASTIC for me. AND you know who you are. All of the dis people I have met and some non dis ones too...Here's my thanks to you!
Without you, I would have just been on vacation, but I feel like I have learned so much..especially about poker! Just kidding.

Tiff..we'll definately have to vacation together again. You are too cute and I definately want my brother to meet you. Andrew, if you're reading this, I found the perfect girl for you!

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