Jamaica oooh I wanna take ya…Just kidding. So we landed in Aruba. It was a minor let down. Apparently this is the first time the Magic has been to Aruba and there was nothing…no welcome no balloons no nothing. Taylor and I decided a while ago to rent jeeps with some of the dissers. We all met off the ship at 8:30am to get our 7 jeeps and head out. Lillygator was kind enough to put a sheet together on all the top spots (all 4 of them) of Aruba. We got everything done by 9am and were off. We headed south to Baby Beach. Here’s some interesting fun facts about Aruba. It’s very similar to Kauai. You can only drive on one side of the island. The other side is more mountainous. The island is 20 miles long. We landed just about the middle of the island. Each end of the island is named for a state in the US. Baby Beach is on the south side at Point Colorado. It is a beautiful beach and there were some guys there kite surfing. There were so cool.

The got so high up in the air. Taylor was impressed. We spent some time there letting the kids play in the water. Of course, only one person brought a towel…but it was hot and they dried pretty fast. After and hour or so, we left to go to Point California on the north end. As we headed up we eventually got separated from the main group of jeeps. We stopped at a gas station…ps all gas stations are Valeros..no competition here! (Valero has a refinery on the island) At the station, we discussed what to do as there were 3 of us left. It turns out that the others were heading back and turning in their jeeps so Liserann’s jeep and I decided to continue on to Point California and the light house together. As we headed up we stopped in the “high rise hotel district” for lunch and yes, there is a “low rise” hotel district. Hahahaha We couldn’t find anything for under $35 per person and then we saw TGIFridays. Oh the potato skins were so good! We walked around the beach for a while and headed up towards the lighthouse.

The lighthouse was beautiful and it was obvious that this was the nicer side of the island. The homes were gorgeous and some oceanfront were listed at 600..we couldn’t figure out if that was florin or US dollar as they take both. But still 600k for an oceanfront home is a deal. On our way to the lighthouse we passed by a beautiful beach so after the visit we decided to stop there for a while and let the kids play.

They had a good time and there was a sandbar out a ways so they thought it was so cool to be out and stand up in 2ft of water. We headed back towards the ship and returned the jeeps. It was still a little early so I planned to drop taylor off at kids club and head back out to shop for a bit, but we had a scary incident as we were boarding. A little girl was walking up the ramp to get on the ship and she fell off the side. Now we were over concrete not water..thankfully, but she fell about 2 ft. and landed on her face and chest. It was very scary and lots of commotion, but I heard later that she was ok. After dinner we headed up to the Tropicalifragilistic deck party.

Taylor was having quite the good time as evidenced in my video to be added below. She went to kids club after and I went to check out an impressionist who was quite good. The off to sleep to prepare for the 4 sea days coming up!
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