So I've been home for 4 days. While it's nice to be's very boring. I don't have a navigator telling me what show is on or what time the deck party is or what theme night it will be in Rockin Bar D. I have finished the laundry and actually put it should be!
I know that I'll get back into my routine next week. There's only 2 weeks left of school and I'll be slammed during them so that will distract me from post vacation blues. I thought we went on vacation to get out of our work rut, if so then why am I looking forward to getting back into a work rut to get over vacation? The vicious circle of life I suppose.
I am sad to report that I have almost cleaned out one tivo, I will have to move over to the other one soon and clear that off. I don't want to do that though cause I only watch tv in that room when I am paying bills and I don't want to pay my bills...really I don't want to see my bills which is pretty much the same thing.
Well at least I have my favorite day coming up in 2 weeks, Engage the Spirit day...when I get to play with the big it! Also, my precious courtney graduates from High School. She's making me so old. I remember when she used to come over to my apt. and wake me up in the morning to play with my cat. She was so cute and is such a beautiful young lady. Heading off to college in the fall. So proud. And of course TOTO turns 14~! guys are aging me. Stop getting older it's turning me grey!
Ok, so sad..A lifetime movie looks good tonight..pardon me I need to barf.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Disneyland Pictures
Taylor on the downhill slide of sickness

Steph and Tay on Space Mountain

Tiff and Jacinda on Space Mountain

Tay, Tiff and Jacina in Snow whites Garden

Tiff is so cool....NOT!


Tay at Tarzans Treehouse

Steph, Tiff and Jacinda in front of California Adventure

All of us on California Screamin' Love Jacindas face!

On tower of Terror!
Steph and Tay on Space Mountain
Tiff and Jacinda on Space Mountain
Tay, Tiff and Jacina in Snow whites Garden
Tiff is so cool....NOT!
Tay at Tarzans Treehouse
Steph, Tiff and Jacinda in front of California Adventure
All of us on California Screamin' Love Jacindas face!
On tower of Terror!
Monday, May 26, 2008
To Sum it all up!
So I'm home now. And Happy to be here! My cat is rubbing all over me, just wanting attention. I am almost in heaven. My TIVO got full by 5/22, so bummed I missed some shows...oh well.
So here's my summary for disneyland...
We got off the ship and promptly entered the stretch escalade that was at port to pick us up. Marr never does anything small! We arrived at the Grand Cal. before noon. Our rooms weren't ready so we dumped the bags..all 18 of them! Grabbed a bite at Storytellers. I ran off to the dvc member gathering and Marr graciously took my daughter with her to the park. They had a great time going on the rides and I met up with them at the hotel around 5pm.
I learned some very good things about the California DVC property. Very excited about the completion.
We went to dinner at Blue Bayou...I was NOT IMPRESSED...I guess we were just spoiled because of the cruise. I sent taylors dinner back and they kindly took it off the bill. It was inedible and I wonder if that is what contributed to her tummy hurting later. which caused us to miss our preferred seating at fantasmic. She was OK this morning, but she went to bed tonight with a slight fever so I don't know??
Anyways, my sunday was cut short. I heard fantasmic was great. We've seen it a bunch, just not preferred, that would have been nice.
We woke up early this morning and hit the parks promptly at 9am..well ok, we left our hotel room at 9am..dropped the bags at the bell desk and then hit the parks. We were able to do a bunch of rides and had breakfast, then headed over to California Adventure for Screaming and Tower of Terror. We met up with Marr, Aaron and Dom at Soaring over California. After that, Tiff, Jacinda and I went for lunch and Taylor, Dom, Aaron and Marr went shopping and one last run on buzz.
We all met up at the Hotel, got in the Limo and headed to LAX. There was no traffic and we were in the airport by 6:15pm. I was able to change my flight and get one 2 hours!
My friend picked me up in MY CAR! I got to drive a car! So excited to be back on the road! We were home by 10pm.
I promise to start loading pics tomorrow....
Good night all!
So here's my summary for disneyland...
We got off the ship and promptly entered the stretch escalade that was at port to pick us up. Marr never does anything small! We arrived at the Grand Cal. before noon. Our rooms weren't ready so we dumped the bags..all 18 of them! Grabbed a bite at Storytellers. I ran off to the dvc member gathering and Marr graciously took my daughter with her to the park. They had a great time going on the rides and I met up with them at the hotel around 5pm.
I learned some very good things about the California DVC property. Very excited about the completion.
We went to dinner at Blue Bayou...I was NOT IMPRESSED...I guess we were just spoiled because of the cruise. I sent taylors dinner back and they kindly took it off the bill. It was inedible and I wonder if that is what contributed to her tummy hurting later. which caused us to miss our preferred seating at fantasmic. She was OK this morning, but she went to bed tonight with a slight fever so I don't know??
Anyways, my sunday was cut short. I heard fantasmic was great. We've seen it a bunch, just not preferred, that would have been nice.
We woke up early this morning and hit the parks promptly at 9am..well ok, we left our hotel room at 9am..dropped the bags at the bell desk and then hit the parks. We were able to do a bunch of rides and had breakfast, then headed over to California Adventure for Screaming and Tower of Terror. We met up with Marr, Aaron and Dom at Soaring over California. After that, Tiff, Jacinda and I went for lunch and Taylor, Dom, Aaron and Marr went shopping and one last run on buzz.
We all met up at the Hotel, got in the Limo and headed to LAX. There was no traffic and we were in the airport by 6:15pm. I was able to change my flight and get one 2 hours!
My friend picked me up in MY CAR! I got to drive a car! So excited to be back on the road! We were home by 10pm.
I promise to start loading pics tomorrow....
Good night all!
Sunday, May 25, 2008
We're Here...
So I woke up at 6am, just in time to see the Magic pulling into port. I went up on deck and ran into Tim, Joe and Woody. We watched the magic go to the dock. I was mixed with happiness and sadness. I'm such a girl, I almost cried..almost! I got some tea and sat down to talk with all our cruise friends. Kari was up with her mom and even Marr and Jacinda were crazy!
Now I am back in my room, my last few moments before breakfast. Taylor is sleeping soundly and I have packed up and checked everything. I just need to wake her and we're off to get our debarkation tags and breakfast.
Tim, Lori and Cameron
Heather and Joe
Marr on the phone...what else is new!
Tiff, Taylor (hiding) emily and Kristen
Me and my kindred sister, Debbie
Brian and me
I can't express enough how needed and relaxing this vacation was! Aside from the cost, Disney is the best cruise line. They put on quite a vacation.
Oh..the horn just went off....I'm sad!
So goodbye again, we won't be on the magic unless tim gets me a good deal or they do another long trip! Or I hit the lottery...hee hee.
Off to disneyland for a day! Oh, thats right we're going park to park!
BTW..there was a welcoming crew of people with a big old sign...Welcome Home Disney Magic! It was too sweet.
We'll see you back at home...thanks for reading along. I will upload pics once we get home tomorrow.
THANKS AGAIN everyone on this ship who made this a great vacation!
Oh and if Visa wants to cancel all charges..I'm ok with that!
Last day...Boo Hoo
I spent my last day, packing up and playing poker. One I love the other not so can figure it out for yourselves. Taylor spent her last day playing with all of her friends.
We have really enjoyed this trip, probably more than the med. We have met some amazing people and I look forward to all of our new friendships. This was also the best dinner menu yet. However, I am still not up to speed so I wasn't able to eat everything.
There was a great show in Rockin Bar D tonight
As I was picking taylor up tonight...who did I talk to but Joey and Kelly who were picking up their daughter. So all is well in my fantasyland life!
So goodbye to the magic and all our friends...
John, Gaylean, Bubba, V, Marr, Tiff, Lori, Tim, Heather, Joe, Brian, Debbie,Kim,Ken and Shannon. Randy(s) too many of them!, Terry (s) too many of them too, karl, Jerry, Ann. The last ones were my poker buddies.
I'm sure I've missed more, but oh well. I had a great time and taylor did too. We will miss you all!
Thanks for making this a Magical Vacation...see you all on the dis!
Day 14 – 2nd to last sea day
I woke up at 5:45am! Crazy right?!? I slept all day yesterday so I was bound to get up early on our 2nd to last sea day. I went up on deck to check out the first time! It was very hazy/foggy/cold. Take your pick! I got some tea and headed back down to try to get some more sleep, but I couldn’t get back to sleep. So I updated the blog and tried to add pictures. I got one done and then the page wouldn’t come up. What a waste. I am currently trying to add pictures again as I am up early again.
Taylor and I decided to try our luck at bingo. I’m afraid my lucky streak has run out as we didn’t even get close to the jackpot. There’s still one more day and the Jackpot is 25k so who knows. After Bingo, we went up to the pool deck and even though it was cold and overcast, we both put on our bathing suits. They had a ton of pool games today so taylor was in heaven. I just sat and read. I am sad to report that I have only read 2 books out of 5. I guess that’s good though because I have been having so much fun, I haven’t had time to read. In the middle of my attempt to tan, I went to promenade lounge to get a picture with Joey and Alfonso and their autograph. There was a long line, but Vicki was in it and pulled me in with her! Thanks Vicki! We both got out autographs and pictures and Vicki being the smarty that she was just got right back in line and got more autographs and pictures and stuff personalized.
Later on, my cold came back and I headed down to the room for a nap. Taylor stayed up on deck with her friends and their parents. I napped until it was time for Flubber. I met up with Vicki in the kids club and we all got to make flubber. I gave Vicki ours for her to keep. She was very excited. I got pulled up to be a helper and I kept thinking oh, I hope I don’t sneeze as I forgot tissue. BUT I didn’t so all was well. After Flubber, I went to the show and met up with Heather and the kids. The show was “Dreams” and it was cute. After dreams we had to get ready for our last formal night on the ship. We got all gussied up and went off to dinner at Animators Palate.
Friday, May 23, 2008
A shout out...
So I just wanted to say Hi to everyone who's reading this lame trip report. I know my coworkers are checking it out and I miss you. I'm sure it's been quiet there with out my big old mouth! Do you miss me yet? Also to patricia and jenna...HI! This cruise would have been so better if the two of you were on it. We missed you here. The med was a blast with you and we should definately try to cruise again together! For my sister and her husband, you should try disney just once with us. Especially now that you have a kid. David would love it. If they have a longer cruise ( I don't want a 7 day) then we'll have to go. Summer of 2010??? And erika...yes it was so cool to meet Joey, I wish I had brought that xmas gift you gave me years ago (oh yea I still have it)!
To all my new cruise friends, you have all made this trip FANTASTIC for me. AND you know who you are. All of the dis people I have met and some non dis ones too...Here's my thanks to you!
Without you, I would have just been on vacation, but I feel like I have learned so much..especially about poker! Just kidding.
Tiff..we'll definately have to vacation together again. You are too cute and I definately want my brother to meet you. Andrew, if you're reading this, I found the perfect girl for you!
To all my new cruise friends, you have all made this trip FANTASTIC for me. AND you know who you are. All of the dis people I have met and some non dis ones too...Here's my thanks to you!
Without you, I would have just been on vacation, but I feel like I have learned so much..especially about poker! Just kidding.
Tiff..we'll definately have to vacation together again. You are too cute and I definately want my brother to meet you. Andrew, if you're reading this, I found the perfect girl for you!
Cabo and Sickness do not go hand in hand
We arrived in Cabo this morning and my “allergies” turned into a full fledged cold. Too much fun was taking it’s toll on me. My mission today was to get to La Pharmacia and pick up some antibiotics. Taylor decided to stay on the ship and I met up with my friends from yesterday, plus Bubba and Venetia. We all tendered over to Cabo and started walking around. Everyone was taking their time so we split apart. I went with Bubba and V and continued on. We ended up walking to the mall. Much farther than I had made it last time I was in Cabo. Well last time I was here was for my sisters wedding and we all got a little hammered before we left the ship. I think we made it a block and decided to head back. HAHAHA. This time I was on my mission, drugs! I found a pharmacy and purchased my Z-pack. Immediately taking the first one. 3 days and this should be gone, but in 3 days we’ll be in LA. So basically, I am poor Stephanie who can’t play. I came back to the ship on my own…this is how bad I feel that I saw Debbie and Brian Tendering in and I was getting on to go back..healthy Stephanie would have said Hi and maybe gone back in with them, but sick Stephanie just wanted to go to bed. I came back, taylor was watching a movie in kids club so I left her there and promptly fell asleep. My daughter came in and out of our room informing me of her comings and goings while I slept the day away. Eventually I made it out of my room to inform my dinner companions that I would not be attending. I also saw a friend while getting coffee, offering my services as company while in my head I just wanted to go and lay down again. If I knew them better I would have required them to come back and take care of me. Sometimes it sucks to be the mom. Always having to take care of someone and not being able to have anyone take care of you. I checked my email, made a few phone calls and went back to bed. Taylor came in to let me know she was going with Kristen to the deck party and then came in again to let me know she was going to the movies. Somewhere, she came in and went to bed, but I was long asleep.
Due to my sleeping all day, I woke up the next morning at 6am! I went and got a muffin and some tea. I feel…well not better, but not as bad. The sun is not out, it’s overcast. My chances of getting browner have gone from slim to very slim. I think I will play bingo today and just hang out inside unless the sun comes out. Taylor will probably stay in bed until noon as is her normal routine. Enough of my whining. I will post again later. I’ll add pictures once I am back at home.
Due to my sleeping all day, I woke up the next morning at 6am! I went and got a muffin and some tea. I feel…well not better, but not as bad. The sun is not out, it’s overcast. My chances of getting browner have gone from slim to very slim. I think I will play bingo today and just hang out inside unless the sun comes out. Taylor will probably stay in bed until noon as is her normal routine. Enough of my whining. I will post again later. I’ll add pictures once I am back at home.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Day 12 - Puerta Vallarta
We arrived in PV this morning. Taylor and I have no excursion planned today, so this morning I decided to do a load of laundry. My daughter was repeating her was about time! Around 11am we met Gaylean, John, Kim and Jerry and their kids to go and walk around PV. We took a cab to the downtown area and walked around. It was a nice day but the water at the beach was brown…YUCK! We stopped for lunch and drinks and sat overlooking the ocean. It was beautiful.
We came back and went to WalMart for some supplies. I needed some cranberry juice for my Vodka and Lotion for my sunburn. Everyone else needed some stuff too. Good thing walmart is across the street from the ship.
Taylor found her friends and went up to deck 9 to hang out with them, and I went up to 10 to watch us leave from port. There was a Carnival Ship at port we gave them a couple of “honks” from our horn. BTW, our horn plays “when you wish upon a star” so of course our ship rocks better! We waved goodbye to the carnival people and all the fishermen in the sea and headed off to Cabo.
Tiff called and wanted to see the Crew Talent Show, so we went to that. It was funny, good and crazy. Kinda like kareokee night at rockin’ Bar D. We headed to dinner afterwards. Tonight was a “California” menu. Now I am from California and there was NOTHING I’d eat on that menu. So I basically had a bite to try some food and relaxed and talked with my table mates. Marr brought out my Menage a tois (don’t know if I spelled that right) red wine. It was good. I basically indulged too much on the drinks tonight and since I barely ate, paid later!
We had taylors birthday cake tonight and sang a rousing rendition of Happy Birthday. They made Chocolate Cake for her and it was GOOOOOOD.
I took taylor and Kristen to kristen’s room so she could change and sent them down to kids club. Happily they went off. I went down to Rockin’ Bar D to find some friends..and surprisingly I didn’t see anyone I knew ( I have a little rep with my friends that I know too many people on this ship. My friendly nature shines through again!) So I walked over to Diversions and there was Bubba. I went over to sit with him and he told me all about his horrible excursion ( he got 100% refund). His wife Venetia and Gaylean came back from seeing ducky Williams. We all decided to do Hot Tubs part 2. So off we went to change and meet up on deck 9. I called some others to see if they wanted to join and they were too tired…old farts! Hahahahhaaha. Gaylean didn’t come up either; she decided to spend time with her husband. The nerve! Even Lori, who went to change, decided against. So Bubba, V and I had a relaxing time in the tubs until the CDA kicked us out.
I stopped by kids club to see what taylor was up too and she told me she’d come to the room when she was done, so I went to our room and got ready for bed. My daughter is so sweet as she came in, found tissues for me as I have allergies, brought the garbage can over so I have something to throw them in and then climbed up in bed.
Tomorrow is Cabo..
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
DAY 11 – My dreams came true on the magic
So here we are with another sea day. Taylor and I slept in…9am for me and 11:30 for her. Going back to school is going to be so hard. We are both having such a great time and don’t want to head back to reality! Today was a relaxing day. Taylor went straight up to the pool to meet Kristin and I decided to hit the Castaway Club party. Good thing I did too. I almost didn’t stay as I didn’t see anyone I knew and then I saw Brian and Debbie. Brian predicted that I would win a prize…and I did! Most excellent. I ventured up to the pool deck and did NOTHING. Taylor swam and I read. It was sweet. Taylor went off to the princess party with lori and the girls and I stayed in the sun. BIG MISTAKE for me. Eventually Brian and Debbie and Tiffanie ventured up to the pool. Too much sun, too many deep blue seas and a nap with out sunscreen…and I am my own personal heater. My knees are so red. So onto my dreams coming true… A MAGICAL experience…(for me) happened as I met my most favorite N*SYNC member Joey Fatone. It was a thrilling moment for me. Joey and his family have joined us in Acapulco and will remain on board until L.A. He and Alfonso Riberia (from Fresh Prince) did a show last night.
It was cute.
I have several more days of stalking him and taking hundreds of pictures. Good thing I can’t load them now! Taylor had a fun night at kids club. They had a party and she was all over it. I went swimming again with some friends and then off to get taylor and go to bed. Tomorrow…Puerto Vallarta
I have several more days of stalking him and taking hundreds of pictures. Good thing I can’t load them now! Taylor had a fun night at kids club. They had a party and she was all over it. I went swimming again with some friends and then off to get taylor and go to bed. Tomorrow…Puerto Vallarta
Day 10 – Acapulco and Taylors Tenth Birthday!
We started off today with a birthday breakfast for Taylor with Nan and Family as we were not arriving in port until noon. It was very relaxing and fun. Then we headed off to the room to clean up and organize. My daughter decided that she wanted to go to kids club for a while and I went down to deck 4 to watch us pull into port. I was standing next to Mario from kids club and he was pointing out his family that had come to the ship to spend the day with him. It was very sweet. His cousins were very excited that they got to come on the “Mickey ship” There were also tons of little kids screaming mickey mouse from the pier. So sweet and sad that this is the closest they will get to Mickey Mouse. We still had time and I went up to the pool to chill out and read. Taylor didn’t want to leave kids club to be with me. Eventually it was time for our excursion. Taylor still didn’t know what we were doing so it was very cool! We went down to the meeting place and the employee asked her if she was excited to go to the dolphins…I coulda killed him! I was standing behind her making the throat motions..and then he felt bad he ruined the surprise. She was very excited though to find out about it. We boarded our bus and of course she made a fast friend and sat excitedly with Deja all the way to the dolphins. We got in and pet, kissed and they jumped over us. Taylor didn’t get in to kiss the dolphins, but she did everything else.
Day 9 – sea day …again!
Once again a lazy day around the ship, I picked taylor up at 8:30am which was rough! I looked at my kid and realized a morning nap was in order! That kid slept until noon. Her friends came by and she slept, they called 20 times and she slept. Finally the princess awoke and went up to swim with her friends. While she was swimming, I got my hair cut. Something I desperately needed. It’s a little short for me and with this humidity it’s supercurly, but I like it.
Today was Poker, round 2. I did not do as well as round 1 but it was still fun. Our next and final game is our last sea day .
While I was at poker taylor went off with her friends and saw enchanted. After the movie, they swam again and then we packed up and went off to “the art of the story”. Which was cute. Then it was spy party time! The kids had to pick partners and my own daughter dissed me and picked tiffanie. So it was Jacinda and I as super secret spy partners and Jacinda was one lucky girl because with me as her partner we were destined to save the day and find the map to puerto Vallarta! WHICH WE DID!
Dinner again with everyone and jacinda on her spy high. It was cute.
This is the cutest couple...emily and dom!
Tomorrow…the big birthday!
Day 8 – Sea day
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