Do you see big balls in that picture? Heck no! So this years engage the spirit started off a little sad for me....I was moved to a different station. No big balls this year, or earth balls as I was reminded by the PE Teacher..hee hee. Today I was at the "cooperative play blanket" or parachute as I called it. Why can't I call anything what it truly is?
It was a beautiful day today on the hill. A little hot for me, but nice. We were station 11, which probably doesn't mean much to those reading this, but what it means is we were the station before the "water" station. Which defines down one wanted to play with the parachute, they wanted to squirt water on each other. I don't blame them, but we had to get them engaged. We played color tag and ran under the chute, duck duck goose, moon bounce and fort. Sounds simple..well it's not! Getting those kids to raise up that chute together is extremely hard. A couple times I wandered off and took pics of my kid at other stations. Eventually, I was the target of the water fight at the next station. And finally, with a group of sweaty 2nd graders, I grabbed a squirt bottle and started spraying them down. They liked that although one kid yelled ouch, and I stopped and said "really...water hurt" and then he said..oops I meant Aaahhh.. Which is pretty funny when your there. All in all a fun morning topped off by an early day as tay and I were off at 1pm and came home to take the dog to the vet. He is fine and healthy as a horse and almost as big as one..IMHO. Enjoy the pics
1 comment:
Yay! Pictures!!! You make me feel guilty that I dont post more pictures for everyone to see....but who has the time?!
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