So here we are 2 days after xmas and I'm tired. My sister, her husband and son came up for a visit..jeez I forgot how a little one can tire you out. (And I wasn't even the one taking care of him!) We had a great holiday. Taylor got many of her "list" items. She's very happy with Santa this year. Now it's time to clean up. That's the blah part!
So here are some pictures from the holidays....
David discovers his love of trampolines!

Courtney volunteered her services to help make some appetizers for everyone. She was very helpful even though she was fighting a cold!

The kids couldn't wait to open presents on christmas eve. All of taylors cousins were there for dinner. We had a full house! We also met our cousin rebeccas new man, mark. A very nice guy. It was nice to see laurie and rebecca again. I'm holding mark and rebecca to my wine date in the future!

David became friends with omni. (or rather omni gave up running from david) I think omni discovered the benefits of a toddler. David was omni's little salt lick! And oh boy, when david was done with dinner, omni went in an cleaned up the high chair. What a help!
We never really saw madison the cat. She saw david and the dog and took off for under my bed and didn't come out until today. She's still mad that the dog is here but at least she's roaming around the house now.

Taylor spent christmas eve night with her dad and his GF and her son. So she had to wait until she came home christmas day to open her presents. She was very excited that her uncle got her a keyboard so she can practice her piano skills.

Taylor and david loved their christmas presents. They played with them until it was time to go to grandmas for dinner.

My sister and her husband at moms on christmas day. They do this popper thing after dinner and everyone has to wear paper crowns. It's fun after a few glasses of wine!

Me and my bro being silly with our crowns. All in all a fun few days. I'm definately looking forward to some down time. Too bad there's some cleaning that is involved in that. If only I got a merry maids certificate. I'll ask santa for that next year.
Happy Holiday and a great new year!
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