Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Who's got a birthday coming up????

I do, I as another year passes. I realize that many of you do not know that I am really lazy...I mean really lazy...beyond what you'd think!
I've decided to share my new favorite TV show with most you who know me, know I TIVO everything...gotta love that recorder.
I definately have guilty pleasures that will remain a mystery. BUT this TV year I am really enjoying Gossip Girl on the CW. I didn't think I was going to give that channel a chance after my beloved Gilmore Girls ended and they cancelled Veronica Mars. In fact, I orginally tuned in to Gossip Girl because Kristin Bell ( the actress that played Veronica Mars) was doing the voice over for the show. This show has all the juicy inane drama that I love. Anyways, if you haven't checked it out yet..I recommend's on wed. nights. I know that I like it cause it's one of the few shows I watch during it's actual time, not on TIVO.
Nothing else stands out, but remember that Nip/Tuck has started up again...and it's even better in LA. Such a great show easy to get into no matter how long you've been watching.
Another new show to me is Hero's. This show is driving me crazy cause I didn't watch season 1 (and again, the only reason I watch now is that Kristin Bell is doing a guest stint) but while waiting for VM to appear I have started to really enjoy this show. I'm sure this is old news to most of you but it's new to me!
So as my last birthday of my 30's approachs, I realize that I need another TIVO..hint just kidding.
I realize how lucky and blessed I have been in my life so far and I am looking forward to the next couple of decades. I know tv will just get better and better...hahahahahahahaha

1 comment:

Stacey Sproul said...

Dan's been watching Heroes so you and he can chat all about it.