Merry Christmas everyone! Tonight I sit at my house and pondered about the year that has just ended. So many wonderful and exciting things happened along with some let downs and incompleted tasks.
We all spend this time reflecting and wondering how we can make a difference in the new year. This time I'm just going to try to enjoy my year. Who cares about all of the little things that make us feel bad. Like not excercising or making bad food choices. Let's all embrace the things that make us happy. So to that end, I'm going to list some of the things that made me smile this year....
My daughter...really enough said!
My friends who have survived cancer and finished chemo/radiation this year.
My friends who are having babies...all boys too. Can't wait until May!
Disney (all things disney)
TV. thats right I said it. It's my cheap entertainment.
Vacations - there are never enough!
I am looking forward to watching tay play volleyball for her new team. She gets to travel this year to a few new places and is looking forward to the challenge. I am hopeful that she will keep up her grades while maintaining her social skills. Maintaing the social doesn't seem to be a challenge to her. :) I am hopeful that tay will try track this spring. Keep up her running for soccer. I am looking forward to our Disneyworld trip in June. We get to travel with Aunts and Uncles and their families.
Finally, I am hopeful the money tree I planted will bear lots of fruit this new year! This past year was a bust. LOL
I wish a happy, healthy new years to you and yours for 2013.
Monday, December 24, 2012
Saturday, August 25, 2012
A new beginning..
Since tay started HS, I thought I should start a new adventure. I'm not sharing what it is yet, but hopefully you'll be able to tell soon. Day 1 went well, Day 2 is underfoot. i'm up for this exciting new challenge. Every one think good thoughts!
Saturday, August 18, 2012
HIgh School has begun Oh Mmmm Gee!
Well my little boo has started High School this week. It was a very emotional week for her mommy. It's the end of an era of my daughter being with me everyday. But, being the mom that I am I took my vacation this week so I could volunteer at her high school. I think it helped me calm my nerves a bit.
Tay has settled in to high school. She's getting used to the routine. She has her locker squared away and has been hanging out with some soccer friends and some volleyball friends. However, none of them are in her classes. So she must make some new friends. She says she likes her classes so far. She loves her english and spanish teacher. I'm just thankful that her schedule is fine since there are a ton of kids with scheduling issues. I volunteered in the scheduling department and couldn't believe the numbers but they are all getting worked out.
On the plus side, my little freshie tried out for volleyball this week. While I had no concerns that she would make freshman, she was thrilled when the list came out and she made JV!! It was such an honor to make a higher level team. I just hope she can keep up with the skill level that JV will need. So far she is enjoying practice alot. She has a couple of jr. and sophmore girls that she has connected with so all is well.
Soccer is going well. We are still developing with all the new players and haven't won a game this season, but it's still preseason and we are playing gold and silver teams to our little bronze. I was very proud of my girl last sunday. She is a mid and had a shot and took it. Scored the only goal for her team in the game and the only goal her team made in the tournament. Her coach was shocked and impressed too. She really stepped up and had a great game. I had gotten her a jamba juice before and told the guy to put some energy in it...I should have paid attention to what he added. It clearly helped.
My job is getting ready to start our 50th year of education! We are having a blowout bbq party next week. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone again. Another school year beginning. I love seeing the kids until about mid september..then I'm looking forward to june LOL
Have a great School year!
Tay has settled in to high school. She's getting used to the routine. She has her locker squared away and has been hanging out with some soccer friends and some volleyball friends. However, none of them are in her classes. So she must make some new friends. She says she likes her classes so far. She loves her english and spanish teacher. I'm just thankful that her schedule is fine since there are a ton of kids with scheduling issues. I volunteered in the scheduling department and couldn't believe the numbers but they are all getting worked out.
On the plus side, my little freshie tried out for volleyball this week. While I had no concerns that she would make freshman, she was thrilled when the list came out and she made JV!! It was such an honor to make a higher level team. I just hope she can keep up with the skill level that JV will need. So far she is enjoying practice alot. She has a couple of jr. and sophmore girls that she has connected with so all is well.
Soccer is going well. We are still developing with all the new players and haven't won a game this season, but it's still preseason and we are playing gold and silver teams to our little bronze. I was very proud of my girl last sunday. She is a mid and had a shot and took it. Scored the only goal for her team in the game and the only goal her team made in the tournament. Her coach was shocked and impressed too. She really stepped up and had a great game. I had gotten her a jamba juice before and told the guy to put some energy in it...I should have paid attention to what he added. It clearly helped.
My job is getting ready to start our 50th year of education! We are having a blowout bbq party next week. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone again. Another school year beginning. I love seeing the kids until about mid september..then I'm looking forward to june LOL
Have a great School year!
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Slacker, I am
Happy Summer! Long time between updates. Life is busy around here. So let's see where did we leave off.... High School: So after many sleepless night, we have chosen a local Charter high school for tay. She got into 2 privates and got transfers into 2 publics. The privates did not give me enough financial aid to continue to allow me to eat. LOL So we chose public. The school is transitioning from a public to a charter this year. So far so good. I have joined the operations committee at her new school and am helping to make decisions on the basic running of the school. It's been very informational for me. Tay has already gotten involved in sports at school. Yes they start very early. While try outs aren't until August, she is practicing twice a week for volleyball.
Volleyball: Tay had a great season this year with competitive volleyball. Her team finished 20th overall out of 184 teams. It was such a confidence booster. She really came into her own in vb this year. While she still struggles playing the position she wants (middle) due to her height disadvantage, she did her best. It does look like she'll be playing back row in high school. Which is fine with her.
Soccer: A season that struggled a little last year. Tay lost her spirit in the spring. However it's a new year and she is trying to work with a relatively new team. They lost 5 players and picked up 7 new ones. It's definately challenging to figure it out. Her coach is starting to recognize that teamwork and trust extended beyond the soccer field. Something we've been saying all along. Hopefully these team fun dinners and events will help the girls build that trust they need. It would be nice if we had a back-up goalie too though....We had a terrbile tournament in Santa Maria but it was great for team building and trust. After the tournament tay and I along with another girl and her mom went to the dunes to play around before we drove home.
Middle School: Tay ended middle school with a fabulous graduation and
Jag sports award |
dinner/dance. We are very proud that tay won the conveted sports award. Not only does she get a plaque for the house but her name will be placed on a perpetual plaque at school. Always leaving our mark somewhere! She had a good crowd come and watch her graduate too. Including her Grandma and Grandpa from Palm Springs. It was so thoughtful of them to travel up for this event. 
I felt like a bad hostess though to all my family and friends. They all travelled for her event and since I was one of the committee members, I was dealing with so many issues that day. We had a little dramz behind the scenes but the event overall went off without a hitch.
For the summer, I am keeping my kid busy with a JOB...thats right a JOB. So between vacations and camps she is working. She's not making any money but she is getting practical experience that she can use in the future. This will most likely be her last "camp" summer anyways. So far so good. They tell me she is working hard and they enjoy having her around. She has already secured employement for next summer..of which she'll be paid a smaill stipend. It's as a Jr. counselor so she half camper half counselor. It still gives her the luxury to come and go. The following year she would have to be available for the better part of the summer and truly get paid. Which at that point she would need it to pay for her gas. Oh, I just can't believe how old my child is getting. Well she's not a child anymore. She's my height, beautiful young woman. UGH! Now that she's heading into highschool I have to worry about the worst thing...BOYS! Crap. On the vacation front, I am getting ready to book our next trip. I can't believe it's almost 11 months away. We are headed to the world with my brother and sister and their families. It will be nice to spend some quality time with my siblings and niece and nephew. I am booking a 2 bedroom condo thru my time share. So we will all drive each other crazy LOL. I haven't been to a park with little kids in a LONG time. I hope my patience holds out. The good thing about the world is there is alcohol everywhere and I'm not driving. HA! After we finish our disney trip, tay and I will head down to port canaveral for a week long cruise on the new fantasy ship. I can't wait to test out the new ship. Hopefully my finances will stay on track. I have managed to make some major financial adjustments. Now to use them to their best advantage. Still working out some plans but it looks like I could make some major dents in my finances and still take care of everything else. That would be nice. I'd really like to go back to europe with tay before she graduates high school. We shall see. I'm also worried about the college debt so I'd like to get as ahead of the game as possible. I also have a lofty goal to drop some pounds. It seems I always have this goal but i've decided to do it slow and sure. I'd like to drop 20lbs a year over the next 4 years. That will put me at a weight I can date at LOL. No vacations for us this summer. Tay just got back from a trip with her dad to see her gma/pa in so cal but otherwise we are just working and trying to get ready for high school. I'll take a day here and there but otherwise, nada. I hope you all have a great summer. Get out and get sun. Enjoy the weather!
Me at Oso Flaco Lake Dunes entrance |
Monday, March 12, 2012
Marching on..
March is here and it's time to start finding out about high school. It's the strangest thing to me to not know where or what to do about high school. The pressure to make a decision that I can't make because nobody has gotten back to me is super frustrating.
Here's the run down:
Applied at 2 private school, neither of which I can afford to send my child too. Keeping my fingers crossed that one or both will say yes and give me lots and lots of financial assistance. Now here's the school definately has a much better rep than the other but my little sporty spice may not be able to play sports all 4 years at that school and since we will be tapped out paying tuition she won't be able to continue to play competitive sports outside of school.
One school will give us an snswer this weekend, one we won't find out until middle to late april.
In the middle of all this, I have turned in a lottery request for a charter high school that is on the way to my work from our house. It would be convenient and I believe that she will be successful there, but it's a brand new charter school (converting from an established public high school) and we are waiting and waiting for a timeline on the lottery. This is totally unknown when they will get around to enrollment. I have emailed and left messages and no response. It's super frustrating. Not one returned phone call does not sit well with me.
I also applied for a transfer to a local(to my work) public high school. Good school, relatively safe as far as public goes and close to work. I missed their freshman orientation, which sucks, but I know many people who's kids are attending this school and they have many positive things to say. I did email the principal, but once again, no response to my email.
on April 1st I'll be able to request a transfer out of my district to another public school. I did email a vice principal at our local HS to find out about a freshman orientation, information on the school etc. and NO return phone call.
I'd love to say the non responsive public high school are just because their public, but in all fairness I left a message for one of the private schools to check on some paperwork and NEVER receive a return phone call or email either. Eventually their list was updated online and my question was answered but I was never told to check online.
This whole process is SUPER FRUSTRATING. I can only hope that whatever happens it will be fine for tay. She will get the grades she needs to go to USD, her preferred school as of today LOL.
Here's the run down:
Applied at 2 private school, neither of which I can afford to send my child too. Keeping my fingers crossed that one or both will say yes and give me lots and lots of financial assistance. Now here's the school definately has a much better rep than the other but my little sporty spice may not be able to play sports all 4 years at that school and since we will be tapped out paying tuition she won't be able to continue to play competitive sports outside of school.
One school will give us an snswer this weekend, one we won't find out until middle to late april.
In the middle of all this, I have turned in a lottery request for a charter high school that is on the way to my work from our house. It would be convenient and I believe that she will be successful there, but it's a brand new charter school (converting from an established public high school) and we are waiting and waiting for a timeline on the lottery. This is totally unknown when they will get around to enrollment. I have emailed and left messages and no response. It's super frustrating. Not one returned phone call does not sit well with me.
I also applied for a transfer to a local(to my work) public high school. Good school, relatively safe as far as public goes and close to work. I missed their freshman orientation, which sucks, but I know many people who's kids are attending this school and they have many positive things to say. I did email the principal, but once again, no response to my email.
on April 1st I'll be able to request a transfer out of my district to another public school. I did email a vice principal at our local HS to find out about a freshman orientation, information on the school etc. and NO return phone call.
I'd love to say the non responsive public high school are just because their public, but in all fairness I left a message for one of the private schools to check on some paperwork and NEVER receive a return phone call or email either. Eventually their list was updated online and my question was answered but I was never told to check online.
This whole process is SUPER FRUSTRATING. I can only hope that whatever happens it will be fine for tay. She will get the grades she needs to go to USD, her preferred school as of today LOL.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
updates in the new year...
Another year and my updates are few and far between. Oh well.
So lets go:
Christmas and New Years were mellow and fun. A little let down after spending thanksgiving in Hawaii. All I did during my time off was search for flights back while seeing no dinero in the bank account.
In January we returned to work and school. It's now time to get ready to welcome a new group of students for the 12-13 school year and I'm pleased to say that we are quite busy. Double the applicants for the next year. Everything is buzzing around the school. The building is coming along. There are doors on it now! I'm still quite hopeful that tay will have some classes in the new middle school before she graduates.
January is the start of a very busy season for taylor. Tay is currently writing her biggest project to date. A term paper on Cerebral Palsy. She is very interested in the subject which is helping keep her focused. She also started up soccer again, getting ready for state cup. Her first game isn't until March, but it's the knock out phase. You must keep winning to stay in the race. She also started up volleyball again. This time with a new club.

I'm pleased to report that her new team is doing quite well this season. They are an area team and have placed first at each of their 2 tournaments. Meanwhile, they played in a non-league tournament and came in 3rd. She has really connected with her team and I can only hope they continue on playing some great volleyball.
We have just finished the application process for high school for tay. We have applied to only one private school and turned in our lottery request for the local charter high school. Keep your fingers crossed or she's going to a crappy hs in our city. At least they have good football, some years.
No big trips coming up. Saving up for HS and all! We are planning a quick trip to Disney in March and a trip to Reno for Volleyball in April. Otherwise it looks to be a very mellow 2012.
Happy Valentines Day!
So lets go:
Christmas and New Years were mellow and fun. A little let down after spending thanksgiving in Hawaii. All I did during my time off was search for flights back while seeing no dinero in the bank account.
In January we returned to work and school. It's now time to get ready to welcome a new group of students for the 12-13 school year and I'm pleased to say that we are quite busy. Double the applicants for the next year. Everything is buzzing around the school. The building is coming along. There are doors on it now! I'm still quite hopeful that tay will have some classes in the new middle school before she graduates.
January is the start of a very busy season for taylor. Tay is currently writing her biggest project to date. A term paper on Cerebral Palsy. She is very interested in the subject which is helping keep her focused. She also started up soccer again, getting ready for state cup. Her first game isn't until March, but it's the knock out phase. You must keep winning to stay in the race. She also started up volleyball again. This time with a new club.
I'm pleased to report that her new team is doing quite well this season. They are an area team and have placed first at each of their 2 tournaments. Meanwhile, they played in a non-league tournament and came in 3rd. She has really connected with her team and I can only hope they continue on playing some great volleyball.
We have just finished the application process for high school for tay. We have applied to only one private school and turned in our lottery request for the local charter high school. Keep your fingers crossed or she's going to a crappy hs in our city. At least they have good football, some years.
No big trips coming up. Saving up for HS and all! We are planning a quick trip to Disney in March and a trip to Reno for Volleyball in April. Otherwise it looks to be a very mellow 2012.
Happy Valentines Day!
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