So this weekend was the promised sleepover with taylor and her bff alex. Taylor impatiently waited for her friend to arrive and she did promptly at 4pm as promised. Then they proceeded to destroy my nice clean house! OMG, kids. I had told the girls we were going to watch the outdoor movie in the park that night. So around 6pm we headed off to safeway to get some dinner and snacks for the big night. It was a nice day, but who knew that the park would get so cold! I know we are wussy californians who can't handle anything below 70 degrees. I brought 2 blankets, 2 pillows and a bag (thanks to the PIA) full of snacks and drinks. We arrived at the park around 7pm and the kids ran around and played while I set up our blanket. We got a great spot right in the center. I was very excited to see the movie, The Princess Bride, one of my favorites. I hoped the kids would enjoy it. BUT alas, the weather was getting colder and the wind was picking up. The girls started to complain so we bundled up as best we could and waited for the sun to set.

Apparently there were some technical difficulties and they started the movie a bit later than usual, around 9pm. About an hour into the movie one kid was asleep, though she swears she wasn't and the other was laying on top of me sucking up all my heat. We didn't make it to the end..very close but not quite. Taylor started begging to go home, to cold to stay. So we packed up and headed out. Right at the good part, the wedding. Of course, I said "as you wish" taylor. This was a great thing though because they were so tired and cold that as soon as we got home, they crawled into bed together and fell fast asleep fully dressed. I followed them promptly as I was very tired from the previous night.
The girls woke up early and followed the only rule in this house..."don't wake mommy". I love that rule. They were very good so I decided to treat them to IHOP for breakfast.

They had a good time and came home and continued to destroy what was left of the house. I reminded my child that she was responsible to clean up the house whether her friend was here or not. So she recruited her to help clean up.
While all that was going on I started my chores with laundry. Well imagine my suprise when I went into the garage to change out loads and discovered it flooded. Oh Great! Turns out my 1970's washing machine finally gave out. So after taylors friend left we headed to sears and lowes to shop for a new one. We did find one and I begrudginly paid for it. Why is it when I decide not to spend money, I end up spending money!
Now we are winding down our night. Taylor is watching the new Hannah Montana and I am enjoying the fact that I can't do laundry for a few days. The house is back in order too. Taylor is looking forward to her last week of summer school and then she has one week of camp at school and then she's off to grandma chars for a week with her dad, jen and ryan. He's going to drop her off at Gayleans and we are all meeting in Oxnard for a cruise reunion with the cali peeps and then on sunday taylor goes to her first sleep away camp.
I am looking forward to 3 quiet weeks. A "moms" vacation if you will. August is going to be a fun month. 1st our reunion, then I have another reunion the following weekend, then I am going back down to so. cal. to pick up taylor and soon after that school starts.
I can't believe the summer is over...well not quite. ;)