Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
15 days...Holy Cow!
I went and checked the disney website and they had space on the Florence/Pisa excursion. YEA! That is the one I really wanted, so we switched. Now, don't get worried..we'll still get that touristy photo of taylor and I holding up the tower, but we'll also get to see all the beautiful art in florence. Wait..did you hear daughter just groaned! She'll like history at the end of this if it kills me! :)
Hi Bun, we do miss you guys. We'll try to get down to vegas at some point. Have a great summer.
Monday, May 28, 2007
I thought it was horse camp.....
Friday, May 25, 2007
19 days to go
This is my Disney daughter on her fieldtrip thursday. She is the one facing the camera. I am not that comfy with her pic on the web, so this will do for now. This will be the shirt she wears at pirate night. I think it'll work out for her..
So it's been a few days. I have been trying to keep myself distracted with real life. Instead of counting down the days until our trip. On thursday, I accompanied my daughters 3rd grade class for a hike in a park by our school. A 2 1/2 mile hike over hills...ugh! It was hot, I was sweating...I think I was the whiniest one there! :) ...but I did it. I felt great too. (when I saw that school bus in the parking lot I was running like it was a long lost friend). Today was engage the spirit day at school. There are 12 PE stations and 1 snack station. Each class does one station for 7 minutes. It doesn't seem like alot of time, but it really is! My station was, once again, the Big Balls station. I don't know why the PE teacher keeps giving me that one, but I accepted it again. It can be fun but you have to scramble to find the right activity for the right age group. The kindergartners and 4th graders are my favorite. K's just love the biggest ball. It takes about 10 K's to equal the ball. They get covered by it, but they love it. The 4th graders are just my favorite group of kids all around. They are always open for anything. Funny enough my daughters grade is not in my top ten, but I've known most of those kids for years, so I'm over them!
So now it's memorial weekend. Last extra time before the end of school and the cruise. We have a busy weekend planned. My daughter and her friend are doing a mini horse camp this weekend. First time for my daughter to be on a horse. She's very excited! Plus a birthday party, sleepover and 2 bbq's. One at gma's and one at the neighbors. Hope everyone has a great weekend.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
21 days...but who's counting.....
So, I got a little dorky with my travel plans. With too many people telling me all about the pick pockets and to "not look like a tourist", I thought I'd be smart. I decided to put my directons on index cards and color code them by city. Sounds good right...well I just reread the cards and now I can't really understand what I wrote. Each day I think I will sit down and rewrite them legibly so I know what to do...but there's just so much good tv. Between DWTS, American Idol and my beloved Gilmore Girls and Veronica Mars ending...(CW SUCKS!) I haven't found the time. I will though, I must!
Soon I plan to put our pics up and scare the heck out of all of you who decided to bore yourselves with my blog!
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
22 days to go!
Taylor and Stephanie (the one typing) will be travelling to see the mouse in the med this summer. We're very excited...well let me rephrase...I'm very excited. I don't think my daughter really gets it yet. I guess after the 18 hours of travel to get from california to'll sink in!
A little about our disney passion:
I was raised on disney. It was the vacation spot we used to go to all the time. Of course it helped that we had grandparents that lived close by. After I had my daughter, I decided she should be all about disney too. She loves disneyland. A couple years ago, we went on our first cruise for my sisters wedding, taylor loved that too. So I decided to combine our vacation wishes. Taylor wanted to take a disney cruise and I really wanted to go and see italy. Low and behold, disney answered my request by taking the magic to the meditteranean. How great is that! I'm also a Disney Vacation Club member, so after looking at the cost/points I decided that we could do this trip. I booked it over a year ago, and I can't believe it's right around the corner.
Here's our itinerary:
Leave 6/13 arrive barcelona 6/14
6/14-6/16 Staying in Barcelona doing it "on our own"
6/15 - Dinner with all of our "dis" friends!
6/16 - Start Disney Cruise on the Magic.
6/17 - Day at sea. Gift exchange and Meet and Greet in the Roy suite. Dinner at Palo with my "dis" friends!
6/18 - Palermo, Sicily. We decided to do an on our own walking tour.
6/19 - Naples. This is my biggest goal! We are doing this on our own too, but exploring! Taking the train to pompeii, then onto sorrento and if I time it right, we'll ferry over to capri and catch a ferry back to naples. Everyone wish us luck!
6/20 - Olbia, Sardinia. We are doing "day at sea at La Maddalena". It looks like the most beautiful archipelago! I have a coworker from italy who has told me it's the italian "hawaii"
6/21 - Rome. Our excursion today is "Jumping back to eternal Rome". This excursions covers all the basics in rome and includes the vatican.
6/22 - Day at sea. Time to relax!
6/23 - La Spezia. Our excursion here is "Pisa" We'll be climbing that tower in Pisa and taking those dorky tourist photos that look like were holding it up!
6/24 - Marseille. Our excursion is "aix en provence" A quick trip to a quaint old town. It's in the afternoon, so I am hoping to get over to Chateau d'if in the morning. The home of "the count of monte cristo" and the "marques de saad" Not sure if I am spelling these right..but there you go!
6/25 - Villefrance. During the day we are doing "Monaco, Monte Carlo and Eze" and at night, I am going with some "dis" friends to the Monte Carlo Grand Casino. Momma needs to win her trip money back!
6/26 - Day at Sea. Last time to relax before the cruise portion is over..
6/27 - Aww...back to barcelona. Cruise is over!
6/27 - Leave for Paris!
6/27-6/30 Paris. We will do all the touristy things here including a trip to Eurodisney. We should be able to meet up with our "dis" friends at disney as many are going after the cruise.
6/30 - Take the train to London, England.
6/30 - Quick explore of london. I don't want to do the eye, but my english friend will disown me if I don't.
7/1 - Leave to come back to california! Aww and it's over! boo hoo!
You can catch other info on our cruise meet thread at: is all things disney!
More to come.....